How to Make Vending Machines Popular in India? [2024]

In this blog, we are going to talk about the top 5 main reasons why Vending Machines are not popular in India? How to tackle them. Also how this trend is going to change in the future?

Vending machines are not a new concept in India. But their usage was only restricted to and the products they carried were limited as well, that is they only carried items like snacks and beverages. 

Japan has the highest density of vending machines worldwide and the US also has more than a million vending machines installed across the country.

But this is not the case in India. This industry is still in the very early stages with less than 20,000 Vending Machines only.

If we see the potential and market size, it is huge. 

It means Vending Machines if managed and operated properly could be as big as in other countries which will help millions of people, retailers, and brands who sell their products through vending machines.

Now let’s see the top 5 main reasons for Vending Machines not being popular in India:

First is Infrastructure – One would need uninterrupted electricity and internet connection to run and operate these machines and both of these things were not up to the mark.

Second, Theft & Vandalism – Vending machines all over the world struggle with theft and vandalism, and India is no different.

Installing a vending machine in an open place like outside a building or a   is not feasible as the chances of theft or vandalism are more and hiring someone full-time to take care of the vending machine not only defeats the purpose but also is an unnecessary increase in cost.

Different people have different views on this topic.  (Reddit Screenshots)

Number Third,  People find Loop-holes in technology – there have been a few instances where a few people have tampered with vending machines & their apps and exploited the loopholes they discovered. 

The next reason is, Too many shops in India – India has more than 50 lakhs retail or Kirana stores in almost each and every area or locality. This also leads to the question in people’s minds: will it be a good decision to install a vending machine when we already have multiple Kirana or confectionery stores. 

The last is the High cost of ownership – People think vending machines come with a very high initial cost and are expensive to manage. But in reality, it is one of the low-cost food businesses which one can start and manage easily. It requires only 1-2 Lakhs INR to begin the operations. 

Let’s see now, how we can tackle these above-mentioned problems and what Daalchini has done to bring the required changes to make vending machines popular in India.

  • To avoid theft or vandalism, always place Vending machine inside a closed premise or a building. Do not install a vending machine outside a building or in an open area. Try to install the vending machine under CCTV coverage.
  • Keep a power back up at the places where there are frequent power cuts. Use a UPS in this case. 
  • Use an internet dongle as a backup for the internet. 
  • To prevent any misuse or play around with your machine, always use trusted software. Do not go with any random 3rd party software. 


Daalchini has built robust and industry-leading software for new as well as to upgrade the existing vending machines to make them efficient and smart.

A vending machine can be placed outside a Kirana store and the store owner can place the top 30-40 best-selling items in the vending machine making it convenient for the customers to buy those products.

Daalchini has come up with which anyone can start a vending machine business. We provide attractive EMI or Lease options.

Companies like Daalchini have truly changed the face of the vending machine industry by introducing path-breaking technological solutions, supply chains, and unique platforms for consumers as well as business-like D2C brands and cloud kitchens. 

If you need any help with your current vending machines set up or planning to start one, reach out to us today!

Thank You.

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